Ever hit that share button and really wanted to just store the file on your phone?
That meme that you send to your friends that would be great in your reaction image folder.
That photo you want to hide in a secret folder.
Well look no further!
Set up any number of locations on your mobile, and save to them with a single click when using Android's share feature.
* No sign up
* No requests to rate the app
* No trail periods
* No paid upgrades
Bater sempre que o botão compartilhar e realmente queria apenas armazenar o arquivo em seu telefone?
Isso mesmo que você enviar para seus amigos que seria ótimo em sua pasta de imagem reação.
Essa foto que você quer esconder em uma pasta secreta.
Bem não procure mais!
Configurar qualquer número de locais no seu celular, e salvar a eles com um único clique ao usar o recurso de compartilhamento do Android.
* Nenhum sinal up
* Nenhum pedido para avaliar o aplicativo
* Nenhuma períodos de trilha
* Nenhuma upgrades pagos
Ever hit that share button and really wanted to just store the file on your phone?
That meme that you send to your friends that would be great in your reaction image folder.
That photo you want to hide in a secret folder.
Well look no further!
Set up any number of locations on your mobile, and save to them with a single click when using Android's share feature.
* No sign up
* No requests to rate the app
* No trail periods
* No paid upgrades